Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Banned Books Week Video Contest!

Banned Books Week is almost upon us! Time to get started on your entry for our Banned Books Week Video Contest!

This Video Contest is a great chance for you to celebrate your freedom to read,.unleash your creativity, and win a great prize: an iTunes gift card! 


1. Up to 3 Teens can be in a Team
2. Make sure you put the names of all team members in the video somewhere
3. Mention at least 1 banned/challenged title (see lists & resources below)
4. Video must be less than 5 minutes (I'm sure you don't want to make a ten minute video, right? I wouldn't, either.)
5. Keep to the theme: Freedom to Read!
6. Submit finished video to Liz the Teen Librarian, somehow (burn it to a CD, send the link to it on YouTube, email Liz the video, bring in a flashdrive etc.) by October 1, 2011, at 5 PM. (PS - Liz's email is strausel@oplin.org)
7. Again, the deadline is Saturday October 1 at 5 PM
8. Video will be judged based on creativity, adherence to guidelines, and illustration of the theme, Freedom to Read.
9. Winner will be announced Saturday October 8. Winner will receive an iTunes gift card!

Now for some Ideas to get you Started!

(Not all-inclusive! Ignore me and go your own way if you want! Just stick to the theme.)
1. Banned Slideshow - Covers of books that were banned and why, set to catchy music
2. Reading from a banned book - Love The Hunger Games? Read your favorite passage!
3. Musical Parody - Turn your favorite song into a Banned Books Week Anthem!

Get started on your video early and submit by October 1 to win the gift card!

 Some Banned Books
1. The Hunger Games
2. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
3. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
4. Harry Potter
5. To Kill a Mockingbird
6. Twilight
7. The Outsiders
8. Catcher in the Rye
9. And Tango Makes Three
10. The Chocolate War

For More Banned Books: Visit ALA's Banned Books Week Webpage!

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